Health & Safety Policy

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Statement of Intent

This is the Health & Safety Policy statement of Direct Lifting Solutions.

Our health and safety policy is to:

   - Prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill health
   - Manage health and safety risks in our workplace
   - Provide clear instructions and information, and adequate training, to ensure employees are competent to do their work
   - Provide personal protective equipment
   - Consult with our employees on matters affecting their health and safety
   - Provide and maintain safe plant and equipment
   - Maintain safe and healthy working conditions
   - Implement emergency procedures, including evacuation in case of fire or any other significant incident
   - Review and revise this policy regularly

Responsibilities for Health & Safety

1. Overall and final responsibility for health and safety.
   Ross Prendergast (owner)

2. Day-to-day responsibility for ensuring this policy is put in to practice.
   Ross Prendergast (owner)

3. To ensure health and safety standards and maintained and improved.
   Ross Prendergast (owner)

4. All learners/employees/sub/contractors should;

   - Co-operate with the owner on health and safety matters.
   - Take reasonable care of their own health and safety.
   - Report all health and safety concerns to the owner.

Arrangements for Health & Safety

Risk assessment

We will take relevant risk assessments and take any action required.
A risk assessment will be done at each new site of training.


Any training required to be provided by Direct Lifting Solutions will be provided.
PPE will be provided where required.


We will consult any staff and sub-contractors on matters of health and safety as they arise and formally when we review health and safety.


Any staff and sub-contractors should make themselves aware of our customer's site evacuation procedures.

Health & Safety for Learners

Previous experience:

If you have any previous experience of forklift operator training, please provide evidence at the start of the course. An assessment of your operating ability will be done. If the instructor feels your ability does not reflect that of a trained operator you will not be allowed to continue with the course.


You will be required to wear any PPE provided by your employer throughout the course. The minimum PPE required for the course is protective footwear. If a battery maintenance lesson is required and your employer does not have the correct PPE it will be provided by Direct Lifting Solutions. You will also be expected to adhere to your employer's H&S policy. You will not be required to do anything that contravenes this or the HSE regulations.

Drugs & alcohol abuse:

Under no circumstances will any trainee be allowed to operate a forklift if they appear to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol, this will be reported to your employer immediately. If you are using prescribed medication and this may affect your ability to operate safely you must inform the instructor.


Smoking will not be permitted except in your employer's designated smoking areas.

Mobile phones:

You will be asked to switch off your phones during training. If you are waiting on an important and urgent phone call then you may keep it switched on but will be asked to put it to vibrate only.

Health & Safety for Customers


All equipment provided for training must conform to the relevant HSE standards. Any lifting equipment must have a valid LOLER certificate. This should be provided for clarification prior to any training taking place.


All trainees will be issued with their own joining instructions by Direct Lifting Solutions their employer. They must provide previous certification if any. If previous certification can’t be provided, they will be asked to sign an indemnity stating they have had previous training by an approved instructor. They will also undergo an operating assessment.


All trainees PPE must conform to their employers own H & S policy, however the minimum PPE required will be approved toe protector shoes/boots.

Training Area: 

A suitable room should be made available to carryout theory training. The room should be large enough to allow the trainees to sit at a table comfortably and have an adequate power supply. Our instructors will provide a projector to allow the trainees to view training films and power point presentations.
The practical training area should, where practicable be set away from daily work areas and clearly marked that training is in progress. If this is not entirely possible then the instructor must be allowed to cordon off the area and allow access when it is safe to do so.

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